2024 Annual Conference



The 2024 ISBD Annual Conference will be held in Reykjavik Iceland September 29-October 1, 2024



ISBD 2024 Conference Statement on Volcanic Activity in Reykjanes Peninsula
Date: May 22, 2024

 ISBD is aware of the ongoing volcanic activity in the Reykjanes Peninsula of Iceland and is monitoring the situation carefully.  Our contacts in Iceland have indicated that the city of Reykjavik (the location of the 2024 ISBD Conference) is not affected by the eruptions.  

 On March 16, 2024, a fissure began, and the volcano had a mild eruption that started on the Reykjanes Peninsula by Hagafell and Stóra-Skógfell, 45 min south of Reykjavik.  As of this statement, the latest activity occurred on May 29th, 2024. All Icelandic airports are open, and all flights to Iceland are operating on schedule. The impact of these types of fissure volcanic eruptions impact is limited to specific, localized areas near the eruption site. Notably, the previous eruptions on the Reykjanes Peninsula have not disrupted air travel to and from the country in any way. Iceland is well-acquainted with volcanic activity. Icelandic authorities and the public are thoroughly prepared for such events, and the country boasts some of the world's most sophisticated volcanic preparedness protocols. The city of Reykjavik is not currently affected, the people and the country do not anticipate any future disruptions, although we understand it is possible that the situation could change unexpectedly.

The safety of our attendees is the highest priority for ISBD.

As this is an evolving situation, please rely on the following links below for the latest information on volcanic activity on the peninsula. 



Volcano webcams - Live from Iceland - Webcams around Iceland

Important Dates To Know

Submissions Opened:

November 2023

Registration Opened:

January 2024

Symposia and Workshop Deadline:

January 18, 2024

Exended Deadline: January 25,  2024

Poster Oral Deadline:

March 4, 2024

Exended Deadline: March 11,  2024

  Submissions are Now Closed