EMCC Application Details 

Important: Please read the information below before completing the application form that follows.

Eligibility: The EMCC is a standing committee of the Society, and we will consider interested applicants up to and including the level of Associate Professor or its equivalent.  This level and academic title is likely to vary in different countries, so it will be determined on a case-by-case basis involving the Committee Chairs, Board Chair and Executive as deemed necessary.

Requirements & Expectations: EMCC members must be members of the ISBD. If selected for the EMCC, it is expected that you will join (if not already a member) and maintain active membership in the Society, participate in at least one working group, and make an effort to attend all committee meetings.  

Terms:  Those invited to join the committee will be considered for an initial term of up to 2 years, with an annual review of participation and engagement around the end of year 1; with the second year based on satisfactory performance within the first 12 months. After the initial 2-year term, committee members may be invited to serve up to 2 additional 1-year terms, for a maximum of 4 years on the EMCC.

Application Process:  Interested candidates should review the EMCC Charter and submit the following documents along with the application below no later than the deadline of Monday November 20, 2023:

1.     A current Curriculum Vitae (CV)
2.     A personal statement (1 page max) detailing why you want to join the EMCC and what you believe you could contribute. We encourage you to review and target the Selection Criteria when drafting your statement.
3.     A letter of recommendation from a senior advisor (Optional)

Items 1-2 above are required for your application to be considered complete; incomplete applications will not receive further review.  Following evaluation of the application materials, the co-chairs may arrange a video interview with candidates in order to gain additional insight into the potential for contribution to the EMCC.

Notification: The EMCC will notify all applicants of receipt of application materials, and all applicants will be timely notified of the committee’s decision one way or the other following the close of the application period.

EMCC Membership Application

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